Brazilian beef; Bolsa de Rosário

Brazil achieves one of the best beef export marks in history

Jul, 05, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202426

In the first half of 2024, beef exports achieved one of the best results in Brazil’s history. Exports of the animal protein source totaled 1.29 million tonnes, a 27.3% increase from the same period in 2023, which saw 1.019 million tonnes. This surge generated revenue of US$5.69 billion, a 17% increase from the first half of 2023. The only time values exceeded those seen in 2024 was during the pandemic. In 2022, the revenue derived from exports exceeded US$6.19 billion. These figures, provided by the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services (MDIC), were compiled and analyzed by the Brazilian Association of Meat Exporting Industries (Abiec).

In June 2024 alone, beef exports reached 220,184 tonnes, generating US$953.09 million. According to Abiec, this result was slightly lower than the record shipments documented in the previous two months.

The chart below provides a historical overview of Brazilian beef exports in TEUs between the months of January 2021 and May 2024. The information comes from DataLiner.

Brazilian Beef Exports | Jan 2021 – May 2024 | TEUs

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Main Destinations for Beef Exports

The top importers of Brazilian beef were:

China – Imported 565,654 tonnes worth US$2.5 billion, reflecting a 10.2% growth in volume.
United Arab Emirates – Imported nearly 95,000 tonnes, an increase of 238% compared to the first half of 2023, amounting to US$435 million.
United States – Imported 85,395 tonnes, up 19.7%, generating US$515 million in revenue.
Hong Kong – Imported 61,000 tonnes, up 10.6%, totaling US$196 million.
Chile – Imported 48,726 tonnes, up 9.4%, totaling US$229 million.

Fresh beef exports, amounting to 1.13 million tonnes, represented 87.7% of Brazil’s total volume shipped. Most of this fresh beef was boneless, making up 88% of the total. Bone-in meat still faces limited access in some countries due to certificate requirements, explained Abiec. The largest market for bone-in meat this year was Malaysia, with 2,168 tonnes, followed by Paraguay (1,542 tonnes), Morocco (905 tonnes), Angola (619 tonnes), and Singapore (467 tonnes).

Antônio Jorge Camardelli, President of Abiec, stated that Brazil continues to lead globally in beef exports. The sector is actively working through a broad public-private partnership, especially with the Ministry of Agriculture and ApexBrasil, to open new markets and consolidate existing ones. “Currently, Brazilian beef is present in 158 markets, but we still have room to penetrate countries such as Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and Turkey, which together represent around 25% of global demand for beef,” declared Camardelli.

Source: Beef Point

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