
Conab: Brazil grain harvest down to 310.9 mln tonnes in MY 2022/23

Jan, 12, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202302

The grain harvest in Brazil is expected to reach 310.9 million tonnes in the current MY 2022/23, said the country’s National Supply Company (Conab). Such a volume is lower than the amount previously estimated (312.2 million tonnes), an effect of the weather problems that hit Rio Grande do Sul. However, the future still exceeds the MY 2021/22 output by 14.5% and represents a historical record.

“The start of sowing was slightly delayed, influenced by excessive rainfall and low temperatures in parts of the states in the South and Southeast regions. There were also water restrictions combined with low soil moisture in parts of the Midwest region and Matopiba, but planting was completed within the expected,” writes Candice Romero Santos, Conab’s superintendent of Agricultural Information.

Being the flagship of Brazilian agribusiness, soybeans lead the way. Conab predicts that oilseed production will reach 152.7 million tonnes, 0.5% down from the last report released in December (153.5 million) but 22.2% above last season’s total.

See below the volume of soybeans (hs 1201) exported each month by Brazil to all of its consumer markets between Jan 2019 and Nov 2022. The data is from DataLiner.

Brazilian soybean exports | Jan 2019 – Nov 2022 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

The first corn crop should also see reductions in output from 27.2 million to 26.5 million tonnes. In the case of rice, the forecast for a harvest of 10.4 million tonnes was kept, which is slightly lower than the volume recorded in 2021/22 (10.8 million). On the other hand, the total bean harvest, including the three crops of the commodity, is expected to be nearly 3 million tonnes.

Conab also pointed out that the harvest of the wheat planted last year is already over. The output was a record 9.8 million tonnes, an increase of 27.2% compared to the previous MY, thanks to suitable weather conditions.

Source: Valor Econômico 

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