Rumo hits record for fertilizer transport
May, 30, 2019 Posted by datamarnewsWeek 201923
The Fertilizers Project, designed by railroad operator Rumo in partnership with JM-Link, hit a significant operational record for fertilizer imports in the month of April.
Vessel Theresa Hebei unloaded more than 72,000 tons of fertilizers at the port of Santos from the Belarusian Potash Company (BPC), passing the previous record of 71,000 tons registered last November.
Responsible for managing the country’s main grain export corridor, which connects the production chain in the Midwest to the Port of Santos, Rumo developed a round-trip commercial strategy. This involves some of the wagons which have unloaded grains at the port returning to Rumo’s terminal in Rondonópolis (MT) with fertilizers. “Our projection is that in 2019, around 50% of fertilizer imported into Mato Grosso will arrive by the railroad,” said Jose Eduardo Grandi Cavalcanti, Sales Executive at Rumo.
Rumo estimates handling approximately 2m tons of fertilizers in 2019. The amount is equivalent to almost 23,000 wagons, which represents about 50,000 truck trips on the roads to Rondonópolis.
In partnership with JM-Link, Rumo has already invested more than R$200m in infrastructure at its terminal in Santos. The facility has the capacity to unload up to 7.5m tons per year and is structured with two railway lines that can unload eight wagons at the same time and two independent conveyor belts which can handle 1,200t/hour and have a static capacity of 64,000 tons.
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